These are photos of our "kids"

BUFFY our first girl together was born on April 5th, 1999, we adopted her on August 11th, 1999.
Natacha had never had a cat before, and she really liked Max, so I went to the Human Society and started looking.  In one of the cages I noticed a little black fur ball up on a ledge all by herself.  When I said hi to her, she never took her eyes off of me, I walked away and when I came back she lifted her head and watched me again.  They tried to tell me she was feral because she bit one of the handlers, but I knew better.  She is the most gentle and shy cat I have ever seen.  She rode in my lap all the way home, even today if she is scared she comes and hugs me, though the rest of the time she is purely Natacha's baby.
TEAL'C & ANGEL are brother and sister and were born on June 24th, 2002.  We adopted them on August 24th, 2002.
These two really adopted me.  I love Russian Blues, and we were always checking out the adoption sites, "just to look".  Well one day there was 5 of them in one little cage.  Teal'c caught my eye, so I opened the cage, and both he and his sister Angel leapt out of the cage and went straight up my arms to my shoulders, plopped down and started licking my neck and ears.  Needless to say, we left with both of them.
SWEETIE was a stray that wondered into our yard on June 15th, 2003. 
We thought she was a kitten due to her size.  She was starving weighed a little over 2 pounds, was dyed red with hair color, and had a golf ball sized lip infection.  After calling every adoption place I knew about, asking for referrals to vets that might be willing to give a discount for strays, (amazing no one would call me back), we took her to the vet.  Turns out she was at least 10 years old.  After lots of love and time she recovered, but the damage was already done.  After two years of a comfortable and happy life, living with us, she passed away on August 19th, 2005

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Upper: 2009 to Present
Lower 2008 and older


Click on Play or Pause at any time to start or stop the slideshow. 
You can hover over the picture to see the captions.
Upper: 2009 to Present
Lower 2008 and older