June-July 2009 Oregon & Washington

We trailered the bike to Medford Oregon (to give more off freeway ride time).
**Plug** Once there we stowed the truck and trailer at A Best Mini Storage 541-734-5544.
We were treated great and given a very good price to store there for almost two weeks **PLUG**
We rode through Crater Lake, Sandy, Portland, Seattle, Silverdale, Port Angeles, Twin Forks, Aberdeen,
Astoria, Seaside, Tillamook, Lincoln Beach, Coos Bay, Roseburg, Grants Pass, and finally back to Medford.
We debated on wearing Chaps, as it was supposed to be 75-80 the entire trip.  I decided that at the least it
would be good to have them in the morning.  Glad I did, it only hit 72 once, average temp was around 65.

The only issue I had the entire trip, was having to come home.  I was actually more tired after driving the truck
home, than I was after spending 8 days on the bike.

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